Creative Activity Packs

Date: Feb 2017 - ongoing

Group: Elderly Care Patients

Description: The Imperial Health Charity commissioned me to design an activity pack for elderly patients to interact with during their hospital stay. It’s really important for the elderly in particular to stay active intellectually and so I designed an exercise book full of content to stimulate the mind and also provide an opportunity for creative self expression. The book includes tasks such as drawing in 3D, writing and reading poetry, creating abstract art, sketching and relaxation exercises. The patients also receive drawing tools, blank postcards and a lavender bag. We initially trialled the packs across 5 wards and received great feedback.

Since the Covid pandemic hit, the hospital have printed and distributed over a thousand of these packs and the printable version has also been shared with other hospital trusts to be used with not just elderly patients but patients of all ages throughout hospitals.